University Department of
Information & Communication Technology

Formation of IEEE Student Branch IEEE Student Branch at UDICT, MGM UNIVERSITY, Chh.Sambhaji Nagar:

University Department of Information and Communication Technology (UDICT) of MGM University has established an IEEE Student Branch at its campus with 50 IEEE student members on 28th April 2023.


To provide a platform to the students where they can interact with their peer group from around the section and also with the professional members from around the globe. Conducting several activities that would help the students in fostering their core knowledge and at the same time nurture their leadership and managerial as part of the academic year.

Prof. Dr Sharvari Tamane
Professor and Head ,UDICT , MGM University, Chh.SambhajiNagar, Maharashtra

Student Branch Counsellor:
Ms. Vijaya Ahire (IEEE membership number:- 99230784) Associate. Prof. UDICT ,MGM University, Chh.SambhajiNagar, Maharashtra

Student Branch Executive Committee:
● Mr. Khan Nomaan, Branch Chair.
● Mr. Tanmay Joshi, Branch vice Chair.
● Mr. Harshal Joshi, Secretary.
● Mr. Priyesh Sehijwani, Treasurer.

Student Branch Operating Committee:
● Kazi Mutayyab
● Dev Tamalalu.
● Aditya Bakshi
● Tushar Ruhatiya
● Prasad Vakhare
● Suraj Nagre
● Mohammed Ramiz
● Yogesh Padul
● Aditya Mule
● Suhas Magar

Activities conducted by student branch:

1. Inauguration of IEEE UDICT MGM University Student Branch:

The Inauguration Ceremony of the Student Branch of IEEE took place at Rukmini Auditorium of MGM University . Chief Guest Prof. Dattatreya Sawant from IEEE-Mumbai Branch, Guest of Honor Mr. Gaurav Somvanshi, Chancellor Mr. Ankushrao Kadam, Vice Chancellor Dr. Vilas Sapkal, Registrar Dr. Ashish Gadekar, Principal Dr. H. H. Shinde, Head of Department Dr. Sharwari Tamane, Prof. Vijaya Ahire, professors, students and almost 400+ attendees were present for the event. Date:-13th july 2023


To inform students about the existence and purpose of the IEEE Student Branch. To convey the importance and scope of the IEEE Student Branch, as well as provide information about scheduled activities. To motivate and encourage students to actively participate and engage with the IEEE Student Branch.

Chief Guest Prof. Dattatreya Sawant, spoke about the opening of the IEEE student branch at MGM University, described it as a new opportunity for students Guest of Honor, Mr. Gaurav Somvanshi, delivered a thought-provoking speech on the importance of learning how to learn in the field of engineering. Sharing personal experiences, he encouraged students to persevere through failures and consistently strive for success.

2. Expert Talk on “ROTA-” Robotic Talk on “Omnidirectional Spherical Robot mechanism with actuators for 3 degrees of freedom” by Dattatray Sawant Student Activity Chair, IEEE Bombay Section. Date:-13th july 2023 Participants:- 400 students

3. Expert Talk on “Blockchain Technology and its application” , by Gaurav Somwanshi CEP Emertech and Co-Founder of Emertech Innovation Date:-13th july 2023 Participants:- 400 students

4. Java Aptitude Test- Coding SDG Activity Date:- 09 August 2023 Participants :- 200 students

5. Expert Session on “programming Logic and problem solving skills ” by Prof Y.R. Tayade- Coding SDG Activity Date :- 24th Aug 2023 Participants:- 200 First Year Students. Contents:- Programming Logic ,Understand the problem, Use flowchart or Diagrams, Modularize your code, Pseudocode

6. Two Days Hands on workshop on “Cyber Security, Digital Forensic & VAPT” by Nikhil Mahadeshwar from Cyber Secured India Date:- 1 st and 2 nd Sept 2023 Participants:- 150 Contents:- Day1:- Introduction to Digital Forensics, Data Analysis Techniques,Case Studies and Reporting Practical Exercises and Group Activities, Solve traditional crimes like Murder, missing, kidnapping etc using digital forensics Day2:- Introduction to Web Application Security, Reconnaissance and Information. Gathering Vulnerability Assessment, Penetration Testing Reporting and Remediation Hacking & Securing Web Applications

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